Dancin' in the Night... every night...

Dancin' in the Night... every night...

Thursday, January 12, 2012


Do you ever feel like you've gone so high in every possible emotion you could feel in one moment that Mt. Everest looks like a hill in Oklahoma? Your senses are so elevated that you are having a vertigo? If you have - welcome to my club. We can be partners in this climb - let's have coffee and discuss the route.
If you haven't, imagine this happening in the middle of the night: you are rudely awaken from a dream of peace and you have this uncomfortable feeling of all your nerves being on the OUTSIDE of your skin. It only lasts a few seconds. Good news. Bad news - I've not found a way to deal with this sharp sensation. It hurts...

I've had a pathetic version of a period last September. I literally sat there on my toilet seat and laughed at what my ovaries managed to produce. 'Really?' I asked them, realizing that I was clearly in need of therapy if I was talking to my ovaries. Ok, this is definitely the end, I thought. My ovaries are dead. Right?

Come December and I am back in business! My period after 2.5 years is nasty and brutal. Worst of all - it hurt like hell (back to pain killers!), like I was a teenager again (without the perkiness of various parts of my body). Once again, I sat on my toilet seat and tried to reason with the Ovary Gods - what do you want from me? I am already having no sleep, mood swings, pains in places I never knew I had, hot flashes, cold flashes - what else do you want from me?

They answered: you can have your discharge back. Plenty of it, too.
Just to make it clear - when my period started ceasing, my regular discharges diminished to the point where I actually started enjoying going commando (no panties). For the first time, since I was 11!
Well, too good to last. It's back again. With the vengeance. No more sissiness, no more little mess - it's a flood. It requires changing your liners and wearing one in bed at night...

But I am not losing hope. It's a rough time, and I am probably barely at my second base on my way to the top. But the goal is still the same - the very peak of Mt. Everest and I have no choice but to get there.
Looking forward to the view!